Q: From where does the Foundation get its money?
A: On behalf of the Supreme Court of Texas, the Foundation
administers the Interest on Lawyers' Trust Accounts (IOLTA)
Program, established in 1984 by the Supreme Court of Texas.
The IOLTA program allows attorneys to pool short-term or
nominal deposits made on behalf of clients or third parties
into one account. Interest generated by these accounts is
dedicated to helping nonprofit organizations that provide
free civil Legal Aid to low-income Texans. The Foundation
also administers the Basic Civil Legal Services (BCLS) Fund,
enacted by the Texas Legislature in 1997. People who file
lawsuits must pay a small additional fee. These fees are
designated to assist nonprofit organizations in providing
free civil legal services to low-income Texans. The
Foundation is also the administrator of the Crime Victims Civil
Legal Services (CVCLS) fund. The monies granted must be used to provide free civil
legal services to low-income victims of crime, immediate family members and claimants.
Q: Who may receive funding?
A: Prospective grantees must be nonprofit, 501(c)(3)
organizations that have as a primary purpose the delivery of
civil legal services to low-income Texans. The Foundation
does not grant funds to individuals. Each funding source has
several additional requirements that prospective grantee
organizations must meet. For more information, please see
the rules governing operation of the individual funding
Rules Governing the Operation of TAJF
, the BCLS Court
and the CVCLS Court Order
Q: Who is eligible for services from the funds distributed
to Foundation grantees?
A: Funds from the Foundation help Low-Income Texans. For the
distribution of IOLTA and BCLS funds, the Foundation defines
low-income as those who live at or below 125 percent of the
federal poverty level. The
CVCLS program assists low-income victims of crime that live at or below 187.5 percent
of poverty level. See the
Financial Eligibility Guidelines.
Q: What kind of assistance do Foundation grantees provide?
A: Grantees provide civil Legal Aid to indigent Texans who cannot otherwise afford
an attorney. These individuals may receive legal assistance in consumer matters,
employment, divorce, adoption, access to health care and public benefits, housing,
individual rights, and wills and estates. Through the CVCLS program, certain victims
of crime may receive similar civil legal services in relation to the specific injury
Q: How and when does my organization apply for funds?
A: The Texas Access to Justice Foundation accepts
applications usually between February and April each year if
there are fund available to new applicants. Our website will
announce any requests for proposals. Completed applications
must be submitted to TEAJF by the published deadline. The
TAJF Board of Directors makes funding decisions during the
summer. Grant awards announcements are made shortly
thereafter. For any questions, email TAJFmail@teajf.org or
call 800-252-3401, ext. 103
Q: How are grant decisions made?
A: The Foundation's Board of Directors reviews both administrative and programmatic
aspects of applicant organizations. Some funds are distributed to organizations
that provide statewide services, while other funds are distributed to organizations
that provide services to their local communities. The funds are distributed
using the poverty population, as determined by the U.S. Census Bureau, of the area
where the grantee is located. The Board attempts to ensure that funds granted by the Foundation
are not used to duplicate a service already funded by another entity or in a place
where other funds are available for the same purpose.
Q: What are the specific funding source restrictions?
A: Each program has its own particular set of restrictions, some of which are listed
below. For more information on funding restrictions, please see the
, BCLS Order
, CVCLS Order
and the General Grant Provisions for each funding source.
IOLTA funds
may not be used to directly fund class action lawsuits; to directly fund lawsuits
against governmental entities, except by individuals to gain benefits authorized
by statute or regulation; to support lobbying for a candidate or issue; and may
not be used in matters that might reasonably be expected to result in a fee from
public funds or from an opposing party unless appropriate attempts have been made
to obtain representation from an attorney in private practice.
BCLS funds
may not be used to directly or indirectly support a class action lawsuit; to directly
or indirectly support a lawsuit against a governmental entity (except by groups
or individuals to gain benefits authorized by statute or regulation), political
party or candidate; to directly or indirectly support lobbying for or against a
candidate or issue; to directly or indirectly support abortion litigation; to directly
or indirectly represent an individual who is confined to jail or prison; to directly
or indirectly provide legal services to an individual who is not legally in this
country unless necessary to protect the physical safety of the individual; and in
matters that might reasonably be expected to result in a fee from public funds or
from an opposing party unless appropriate attempts have been made to obtain representation
from an attorney in private practice.
CVCLS funds may not be used for
class actions; may not be used against a governmental entity, except by groups or
individuals to gain benefits authorized by statute or regulation; may not be used
for lobbying; and may not be used for any case or matter that, if undertaken on
behalf of an indigent person by an attorney in private practice, might reasonably
be expected to result in the payment of a fee for legal services from an award to
the client from public funds or from an opposing party unless applicant has been
unable to obtain counsel because the potential fee is inadequate, likely uncollectable,
would substantially consume recovery, or otherwise prevent applicant from obtaining
Q: Where can I get a quarterly report, budget revision
form or carryover request form?
A: The Foundation maintains commonly used forms on our
website under Admin Forms.
Q: When are the quarterly reports due?
A: Quarterly reports pertaining to most grants are due Dec.
15; March 15; June 15, and Sept. 15. With approval, some
grantees are permitted to submit quarterly reports on the
last working day of the month. There are grants awarded that
may have a different grant year and reporting dates.
Awardees will be notified of any changes.
Q: When and how are funds released?
A: The first release for a grant year is made during the first month of the grant
year. Remaining funds are released on a quarterly basis during the first month of
the current quarter. Grant funds are released in pre-set installments throughout
the grant year. IOLTA funds are sent to grantees by check or wire transfer, directly
from the Foundation’s financial institution. To release BCLS and CVCLS funds,
the Foundation must request that the Supreme Court of Texas release funds to a grantee’s
account on file with the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. Due to the nature
of the payment process, the receipt of BCLS and CVCLS funds often takes several
days; deposits may not appear immediately. Grant funds are only released if all
quarterly reports, budget revisions and other requested documents have been submitted
to TAJF and approved by the Director of Grants.
Q: Do I need a budget revision?
A: You must submit a budget revision if the deviation you wish to make is "material."
A material deviation will be deemed to have occurred in the event of the following:
(1) anticipated or actual expenditures of grant funds are deemed materially greater
or less than set forth in the approved budget, whether in total or by individual
line item; (2) anticipated or actual expenditures of grant funds materially alter
the ratio of Program to Administrative costs; (3) anticipated or actual expenditures
of grant funds involve a disposition of property acquired with grant funds; or (4)
anticipated or actual expenditures of grant funds involve a budget line item not
approved by the Foundation. Budget amount increases or decreases will be deemed
material when they meet either of the following:
- The individual deviation is in excess of $1,000 and exceeds the lesser of $10,000
or 10% of the grant for that grant period, or
- The accumulated total of all budget deviations since the beginning of the grant
period exceeds the lesser of 10,000 or 10% of the grant for that grant period.
Please review information regarding budget revisions in Article VI, Budget Revisions
and Program Costs of that funding source's General Grant Provisions. If you anticipate
a material deviation from your approved budget, you may submit the revision at any
time. A narrative explanation is also required with all budget revisions.
If your quarterly report indicates you are "overspent," or shows a material
deviation, the Foundation will provide notice that you
should consider submitting a budget revision.
Please contact your program officer with any questions.
Q: My organization anticipates that it will not spend
its entire grant award. What do we do?
A: An organization receiving IOLTA or BCLS funds is eligible to carry over funds
to the subsequent grant year, upon approval of the Foundation. Up to 10 percent
of the grant award may be spent as carryover, within six months of the next grant
year. Grantees must complete a timely Carryover Request Form, detailing the budget for
remaining funds, which must be approved by the Foundation. These expenses are not
added to the subsequent grant year's award, but reported separately as carryover
from the previous grant year. Funds exceeding 10
percent must be returned to the Foundation, except in
extreme cases and with approval by the Foundation.
Request for Carryover Forms can be download from the
The CVCLS program does not allow carryover of funds. CVCLS funds that remain uncommitted
at termination of the grant period must be returned to the Foundation.
For grants-related questions, not covered here, please
contact 1-800-252-3401, ext. 103.