On behalf of the Supreme Court of Texas, the Foundation administers the following
Interest on Lawyers' Trust Accounts (IOLTA)
The IOLTA program, established in 1984 by the Supreme Court of Texas, allows attorneys
to pool short-term or nominal deposits made on behalf of clients or third parties
into one account. Interest generated by these accounts is dedicated to helping nonprofit
organizations that provide free civil legal services. As of July 1, 1989, all Texas
attorneys handling qualifying client funds must establish an IOLTA account, unless
a low balance account exempts them.
Per Supreme Court of Texas rules, attorneys must hold IOLTA accounts in eligible
banks -- those that pay interest rates comparable to other similar situated accounts.
Basic Civil Legal Services (BCLS)
The Texas Legislature enacted the BCLS program in 1997, when federal funding for
legal services decreased significantly. People who file lawsuits must pay a small
additional fee to the court, ranging from $2 in the lower courts to $25 for suits
taken to the Supreme Court of Texas. These fees are designated to assist nonprofit
organizations in providing free civil legal services to low-income Texans.
Included in this program are the mandatory Access to Justice fee (assessed to qualifying
Texas attorneys), "And Justice for All" license plate proceeds, pro hac vice funds
(fee assessed to out-of-state attorneys practicing in Texas), and other public funding.
Crime Victims Civil Legal Services (CVCLS)
In 2001, the Texas Office of the Attorney General and the Supreme Court of Texas
entered into an agreement to administer a $5 million Crime Victims Civil Legal Services
fund over the biennium. The monies granted must be used to provide free civil legal
services to low-income victims of crime.
Eligibility Requirements
CVCLS-funded Organizations
Voluntary Access to Justice Contributions
Each year, Texas attorneys have the option of donating $150 or more when paying
their State Bar of Texas dues. A significant portion of these donations is administered
by the Texas Access to Justice Foundation and granted to legal aid organizations
These diverse funding sources make it possible for the Texas Access to Justice Foundation
to grant millions of dollars each year for the provision of legal aid to low-income
Recent News
March 5, 2025
Farmers Bank & Trust Joins Texas IOLTA Prime Partner Bank program
February 2025
"Funding Access to Justice for 40 Years"
December 4, 2024
TAJF Honors Chief Justice Nathan Hecht with Kleinman Award
November 19, 2024
TAJF Adds Dr. Benjamin Alexander to Board of Directors
November 11, 2024
Editorial: Helping in the Fight Against Veteran Suicide
By Hon. Nathan L. Hecht
October 31, 2023
TAJF honors contributions to access to justice at luncheon with Supreme Court
October 10, 2023
adds Aranda to board of directors; Hon. Deborah Hankinson reappointed as chair,
Torrence reappointed
July 13, 2023
Cendera Bank Joines Prime Partner Bank Program June 12, 2023
TAJF Sponsors Five Equal Justice Works Fellows
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